Feng Shui Serenity with Grace Niu

Episode #26. 3 Biggest Energy Shifts to leap into Period 9

Grace Niu Episode 26

In this episode:

  • I shared how I activated ‘the most potent strand of energy’ in Period 9 and teach you to do the same
  • What is Period 9 energy?
  • Three major energetic shifts you need to make in order to step into Period 9 with ease, not struggle

I am hosting a Masterclass that will activate the CENTRE of your home so you can be more at ease.

Joy comes easy.

You feel content

And your heart is always in the right place. 

to teach you exactly how to activate the Period 9 energy vortex, so your life can be elevated 

and be aligned for the next 20-years. 

With ONE activation

At an exact point in time 

Achieving a significant and long-lasting impact.

No, I’m not joking. 

Yes, it is entirely possible. 

But only you believe it first. 

And that’s what separates people who are ‘one of many’

 vs ‘One in A Million’. 

This Masterclass is

 about precision



Hands-on implementation. 

Join HERE. https://fengshuialignment.mykajabi.com/period-9-activation-masterclass

If you love this episode, subscribe and leave a review!

Thank you for being in my world. 

 In love & magic,

x Grace 

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