Feng Shui Serenity with Grace Niu

Episode #24. How To Move Clash Month with Calm & Mindfulness?

Grace Niu Episode 24

At any time in life, you will encounter a CLASH month, no matter what sign you were born under or what element you belong to. 

March is going to be the Rabbit month in a Rabbit year, so there is no doubt for some of you, things can get a little hectic, especially for my Rooster friends (if you have rooter anywhere in your Four Pillars of Destiny chart). 

A CLASH month can be a nightmare if you are not consciously moving it through. However, with calm and mindfulness, this time can reveal so many ‘hidden gems’ for you in life. 

In this episode:

+ I started by sharing a couple of key insights herald within March Yin Wood Rabbit month, started on 6th March 2023. 

+ A vulnerable moment where I shared what happened when ‘I lost it’ during my personal experience in a clash month and how I moved from the energy of  ‘anger, frustration & irritation’ to a self-observed, calming and mindful time. 💫

+ 3 key techniques you need to know to gently transmute a nightmare CLASH month into  ‘light-bulb’ moments.

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Thank you for being in my world. 

 In love & magic,

x Grace 

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