Feng Shui Serenity with Grace Niu

Episode #17. 2023 Year Of The Rabbit - Energy Guide for 12 Zodiac Signs

Grace Niu Episode 17

2023 is a picture of a ‘morning dew’ sitting gently on a petal of a flower - serene and peaceful. A vast difference from the presence of Tiger. 

In this an hour long special edition of the podcast, I shared highlights and a condensed version of the 2023 Year of the Rabbit Energy Guide for 12 zodiac signs based on Chinese Astrology. 

You will find out:
1. Grand Duke Rabbit
2. 4 Power Stars
3. Ranking for 12 Zodiac signs in 2023 

If you intend to find out more about your Destiny Chart and how to move through 2023 with confidence, clarity and ease, explore below links below:

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Thank you for being in my world. 

 In love & magic,
x Grace 

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