Feng Shui Serenity with Grace Niu

Episode #9. Moving home? Movement Energy Ramping Up ⚡️

Grace Niu Season 1 Episode 9
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00:00 | 24:39

Each month I deliver the energy forecast and key themes based on Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui Flying Star to guide you thrive in this new era - Period 9 - the Age of Illumination and Transformation. 

In this month's energy forecast, I shared some of the key energy quality, key themes as well as the Feng Shui Flying Star energy to guide you :

- Most challenging sectors: Centre & North sector

- Best sectors for Wealth: SE sector & West sector

- Hetu combinations: NE, NW and South sector

If you are in the process of buying, renting or changing your home base, like me (I shared my current situation), I have something amazing coming out in mid April. 

More details will be released on Instagram and my exclusive community. 

Enjoy 💜

⚡️ Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fengshuiserenity/

⚡️Watch me on You Tube: https://youtu.be/Z1CDgJ5iam0

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Love always  💚

Grace @ Feng Shui Serenity
